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The ” PEOPLE OF JAZZ “series follows the chords and syncopations of jazz and old blues music. The main concept of these paintings is the expression of jazz music through color, the plasticity of lines and shapes, stylization, and transformation of the images of famous musicians, creators of the magic of jazz improvisation. Yes, these are sometimes tired and sad faces of the great creators of blues and jazz, dissolving in cigarette smoke and the sounds of music, to which they devoted their lives, thoughts, and souls, and themselves became music, dissolving in it. In portraits of musicians, I transform faces, hands and musical instruments with a single plastic pictorial and graphic language, uniting and figuratively highlighting what gives rise to music, which becomes an independent rhythmic essence of the whole image. I am moving away from the real image of a musician towards an abstract transformation of space and color and the very image of the performer as a whole, trying to express the main thing, music in my paintings. Because it is music that is the unifying conceptual meaning of this entire series. At the same time, music is the inspiration and the basis of the style for paintings “BEVY.“This series is emotionally connected and inspired by light Ambient style Lounge or Acid Jazz Music surrounds, envelops with sounds, light pleasant sensations of calm and romance, the sounds of the sea breeze, the rustling waves, clinking cocktails and female voices in a transparent, radiant air. Light figures of girls in bright fluttering dresses with fancy hairstyles are very dynamic in colors and plastic lines and silhouettes. Girls have easy conversations, like birds in the garden, in the flowing vibrations and sounds of the enveloping, relaxing tenderness of life. This is a musical and picturesque illusion, but it seeks its harmony and creates a mood of intoxicating lightness, emotionality, variability of moods, and enchantment. However, the general construction of the compositions of these paintings remains semi-abstract, devoid of strict concreteness, and disposes the viewer to fantasies.

Collection of:

31 Artworks

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31 Artworks

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