The painter Tenurb Géneau belongs to the category of "lyrical abstract painters" whose leaders were, from the 1950s and following Kandinsky whose leaders were, from the 1950s and following Kandinsky: Mathieu, Soulages, Hartung and others, for the Europeans, or Zao Wou-ki for the Asians... Tenurb-Géneau was very attracted at that time by pictorial creation and, out of a need for eclecticism studied both figurative composition and abstraction. In this last field, he In the latter field, he endeavoured to perfect his work by taking care, in an aesthetic concern (are not the paintings intended to embellish our (aren't paintings meant to embellish our environment?) to the balance of his compositions: in the form of the in the form of the lines as well as in the "value" and harmonisation of the colours. Often with
a zone of convergence of the planes, more coloured and supposed to balance the whole painting ... A gesture in the use of his brushes is often at the origin of the movement, in airy compositions that avoid the overflow of "bad painting".