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Discover Sophie DUMONT



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Born in Paris on April 9, 1964. Lives and works in Langrune sur Mer (Normandy) Sophie Dumont moved away from France to live for a few years in the West Indies, in Spain and finally in Morocco. She stored up a host of images and colours which she carefully kept in the back of her mind. On her return to France in 1991 she took the plunge and picked up her brushes. From her earliest childhood, she was immersed in the world of painting, through the drawings of Henriette Dumont, her paternal grandmother, who sketched her children and grandchildren with a style reminiscent of Matisse. Sophie is also proud to belong, through her great-great-grandmother, Charles Baltet's first wife, Hortense Mignard, to an illustrious family of Trojan origin, that of the painters Nicolas and Pierre Mignard. Sophie Dumont is interested in art history, works for several years, searches, discovers and fully realizes herself around 2007. Her work becomes stronger, the layers multiply on the canvas, revealing a beach or cliffs to whoever wants to discover them. His work in oil takes all its value in the successive layers and transparencies in shades of grey and white.

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  • Born Date: 1964

  • France

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