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Discover Nathalie GAUTIER DESFOSSÉ



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I was born in Fontainebleau in 1964 and graduated from the Ecole Départementale d'Architecture du Puy de Dôme. I am a stone engraver, painter-calligrapher, dancer and performer. Dance is my primary expression, drawing my body into creative emotion since childhood. It was through lapidary engraving that I learned to explore modeling and lines. I continue to capture the grace of shapes and lines with calligraphy, a living discipline that's both contemporary and unchanging in its practice. A perpetual homage to the language of gesture, which embraces the purity and truth of the gesture. To place the body in the sensitive and reach a state of harmony. The mind and body are linked to the use of gestures to represent : a subject, a motif, a piece of writing, a piece of music transcribed in the spontaneity of movement into a gushing line that, without being retouched, expresses the breath's outline, volume, shape, and rhythm. I reach this unity in the moment of creation through my process of visualization, creative maturation, and gestural research. When I leave the studio, I share my calligraphic and scenic creations—artistic celebrations in public.

  • Born Date: 1964

  • France

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