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Discover Moira Mc AINSH

Moira Mc AINSH

Moira Mc AINSH

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Specialized in collages, I recycle piles of decor/fashion magazines and Art books that I collected in my ancient job of fashion designer. I choose and cut out all the images that speak to me, giving them a new life. They have become raw material for my Artwork. I gather and mix-up those thousands of small pieces of paper which makes so many colors, reliefs and details in my paintings. After dressing women, I paint them : woman’s portraits, wrapped in images, dancers, geishas.......................I am also fascinated by animals, as I find them majestic and full of grace. Elephants, giraffes, lions, rhinoceroses.................have joined my fantastique bestiary.

  • Born Date: 1953

  • Scotland

Artist Collections

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