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Discover Manzur KARGAR



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The artist Manzur Kargar was born in Kabul (Afghanistan). His mother is German and his father Afghan, so Kargar grows influenced by both cultures and mentalities. He studies art at the HBK Braunschweig and at the UdK Berlin/Germany. In addition to long-term work stays in Los Angeles and New York, he lives and works in Berlin. With the combination of digital and classic Art, Kargar’s paintings mark the span of painting from the originated emotional base into the inevitable digital age. "I’m not looking for the truth; I’m looking for splendid appearances.” In the last 3 decades he had numerous solo and group exhibitions in art institutions in Europe and the United States and his works are presented in numerous private and public Art collections in Europe and the US.

  • Nationally Known

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  • Born Date: 1965

  • Germany

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