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Discover Jo BEER



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I am based in Cornwall UK. I was taught at A ‘level’ by Newlyn School Artist Vincent Wilson, my work has self-developed since. My work is predominantly figurative. The wonderful thing about people is that there is no such thing as an 'ordinary' person...everyone is extraordinary in their own way. I love the quirks and details that make someone stand out from the next person. I love detail, be it fabrics, patterns, or styles, blemishes, scars, folds, creases, skin tones. I paint with oils, they have a wonderful silky fluidity that suits my work. I like to use fairly broad brush strokes and keep areas of tone defined rather than blended – it seems more descriptive, fresh and expressive. I have twice featured in Sky Art Portrait Artist of the Year, with one of my images ( not pretty but pretty honest) being selected to appear over and over in a huge installation of a portrait of The Mona Lisa on Clapham Common, London following series one, and with Parminder Nagra choosing my portrait to take home with her in my second series. I have exhibited extensively in the Southwest both with solo exhibitions and as part of collectives.

  • Born Date: 1968

  • United Kingdom

Artist Collections

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