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Discover Dan TRANTINA



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Dan Trantina has been active in the Art scene since graduating from the monumental painting studio of Prof. Načeradský at the Prague Academy in 1992. Already at the beginning of his artistic career, he made a name for himself in the consciousness of the domestic audience with expressively crafted projects with a strong symbolic overlap. Both in the field of painting and sculpture - installation. The large-format realizations of the time were successfully presented, for example, in the Moravian Gallery in Brno (metal sculptures, 1993) or the Nová Síň gallery in Prague (painting), or the giant marionettes for the strassen theater Mary Had and Little Lamb (Wien and Sant Lambrecht). In the years 1992 - 1996, he realized a number of interiors, mainly in Brno, where he worked at the time (Harlem 21 club, Boomerang club, Rustical hotel, paintings for Dukovany nuclear power plant...) In 2006-2007, he established himself on the Los Angeles art scene. In the city of Andělů, he realized a number of Art and exhibition projects and became a member of the well-known artistic organization BOX Eight. Among the exhibitions realized in California, we can mention, for example, the Crash Mansion project, the Consulate of the Czech Republic, Fearless Leaders” the Whole 9 Gallery, and Spring street gallery (Downtown LA).Amongotherthings,D.T.realizedalarge-formatpaintingintheTunnelclub(DowntownLA).During the Los Angeles engagement, the works of D.T. were bought by Hollywood personalities. After returning from the USA, he settled in Prague for a few years. In 2009 he moved to Munich. In Germany, he worked closely mainly with Gehe 8 kunstraum Dresden and Domagk strasse ateliers München. In 2015, together with Petr Motyčka - Sadofsky (Podebal), they founded the association GEKW (Gesamte Entartete Kunstwerke), within which they realized a number of important projects and exhibitions. The monumental sculpture „Tragedy as a Farce“ was erected on the square of the European Parliament in Brussels and subsequently in the Kampa Museum in Prague. A comprehensive presentation of the joint work was to be seen at the DOX Contemporary Art Center in 2019 under the title „Reduced Visibility of Ordinary Things“.

  • Born Date: 1965

  • Czech Republic

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