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Discover Anna COCCIA



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"From my imagination to yours On canvas Anna Coccia travels with her emotions and invites the imagination. All of her works come from her world and her feelings. Her style oscillates between abstract and figurative abstraction. Her favourite colour is blue. A free artist, she plays with colours, shapes and even the material of her supports. In 2018, she met her first success and was published for the first time in a London magazine Artit Art&Design magazine. In 2019, she received her first international award in Rome, Italy, with the 1st prize for the best work, painting category. In 2021, she will participate in the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Genoa, Italy. Anna Coccia is a successful artist who strives to maintain her freedom through painting, preserving her non-academic creativity, hence her favourite phrase "abstract, my freedom to imagine".

  • Nationally Known

  • International Exposure

  • Prizewinner

  • Press article

  • Born Date: 1964

  • France

Artist Collections

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